dr simoncini protocol

treatment protocol of dr. simoncini treatments with sodium bicarbonate . ... the protocol. Apply to Childhood Cancer. 3. I premix magnesium sulfate or magnesium chloride and pyridoxine in a 200ml bag of saline, as follows: 40 ml magnesium 50% and pyridoxine 100mg/ml 40ml into the saline. by Mark Sircus. Currently, we have received back an all-clear PET scan on a non-small cell lung cancer case! The Integrative Medical model provides the body with nutrients to restore vitality, boost immunity, modulate hormones, help the body detoxify, and much more. The World Health Organization predicts that cases of cancer will increase by up to 50% worldwide by 2020. Doctor Simoncini claimed a cure rate of 90% of breast and bladder cancers in an unbelievable 6 days of treatment! It can help resolve many chronic health problems and infections. How does a fungus behave? Dr. Tullio Simoncini believes baking soda can be used for treating cancers of the digestive tract – throat, colon, intestines, and rectal areas. ... Dr. Simoncini: "An urgent request should be made to the chemical industries so that they make research in the field of fungi. December 13, 2008. The Jim Kelmun Protocol How this works:. This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! Dr. Simoncini's first patient achieved amazing recovery. Dr. Simincini uses the lab procedures and protocols for using intravenous sodium bicarbonate as approved by the FDA for cardiac infarctions to treat most cancers. Search turpentine protocol by dr daniels on our protocols, cookies necessary for dogs would be safe upstairs, rumbling across her own emulsions for researchers at. We have a number of personal stories from prostate cancer survivors. 4. Cancer may not so they rely almost hard to cancer and protocol for baking soda molasses that and then the way. Dr. Tullio Simoncini claims cancer is not a genetic abnormality, but rather a runaway fungal infection. office: (713) 947-8023. available properties. Dr. Simoncini states: “Sodium bicarbonate therapy is harmless, fast and effective because it is extremely diffusible. Fungal infections seem to be present in the vast majority of cancer cases. Cancer – the Fungus and. ... Dr. Simoncini uses bicarbonate targeted more directly to the prostate thru the artery providing its blood supply. Dr. Simoncini’s personality is pervaded by a strong humanitarianism which triggered him to reflect on how little and inadequate medicine’s fundamental knowledge is, as shown by the impotence of medicine when faced by the pain of patients. Jim Kelmun's Protocol: Mix one part baking soda with three parts (pure, 100%) maple syrup in a small saucepan. He has been developing techniques aimed at eradicating the fungus by using the sodium bicarbonate. Dr. Simoncini started his personal war against cancer in medical school when he heard cancer described as a terrible and mysterious monster. He is known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of candida overgrowth. His book,Cancer Is A Fungus, examines the causes of rogue cells dividing to form malignant tumors. 7. Users Online Now: 1,861 : Visitors Today: 378,188: Pageviews Today: 784,947: Threads Today: 321: ... Dr. Simoncini seems to be a serious physician, he claims to have many Cancer cures using this treatment, you must have seen in the video in his website. With minimal side effects and very low risk, this treatment was quick, effective, and has worked for people with many different types of cancer. Protocol for humans is 4oz water to 1 tsp baking soda and 1tsp molasses once a day until day 6 when you increase. In case of breast cancer, this is the Simoncini protocol: Think of a half circle around the lump of the breast. Second Week: Same dose, 2 X per day. They do not say anything at all,” says Dr. Tullio Simoncini, a trained physician based in Rome, Italy who specializes in oncology, diabetes and metabolic disorders. SIMONCINI CANCER THERAPY -- DR. TULLIO SIMONCINI WRITES ... SIMONCINI CANCER THERAPY - PROTOCOL TREATMENTS OVERVIEW Please be advised that for type of treatments requiring only dropping, whashing, drinking and for psoriasis or skin cancer the supervision of a doctor is indicated. The protocol involves the intravenous infusion of a very specific solution containing dilute, pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide and other nutrients over a specific period of time. Do NOT refrigerate this mixture. Protocol Dr Simoncini baking soda treatment NaHCO3 Cancer Tutor. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Dr. Simoncini believes cancer is caused by a fungus, namely Candida Albicans. 2007. Contact Dr. Simoncini; Annual Cancer Convention Los Angeles 2015; Richie Allen Show – The People’s Voice; Itraconazol may be suitable for treating cancer; About Dr. Tullio Simoncini; Simoncini Cancer Therapy; Sodium bicarbonate; the book cancer is a fungus; Extra cellular; Treatment protocols; Quote; Candida or tumor? Here's a quote from Dr. Simoncini: Put both ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat till they bind.. Cancer cells love sugar. They consume 15 times the amount of sugar that a normal healthy cell does. Richard - tackling Prostate cancer with hyperthermia. Please be advised that for type of treatments requiring only dropping, whashing, drinking and for psoriasis or skin cancer the supervision of a doctor is indicated. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 14, Number 5 (August - September 2007) from NexusMagazine Website. Tullio Simoncini claims that cancer is caused by a fungus and can be cured with the administration of sodium bicarbonate. During the second and third week no more than one TEAspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Here’s what we found: According to Dr. Simoncini in his book Cancer is a fungus, he explains baking soda is most effective when it is in direct contact the tumor cells, the fungus or the diseased cells. It occurred to Dr. Simoncini that cancer acted just like a fungus and if it could be a fungus, it could be treated. Here is a current list: 1. 6. Click below to see an interview with Dr. Simoncini. These two therapies, with a full spectrum natural chemo protocol behind them, are cost effective for individuals and society, and by all indications are also effective and safe. There are no side effects or after effects and the use of the sodium bicarbonate is fast, efficient, and inexpensive. 2. Dr. Tullio Simoncini is known for treating cancer with baking soda injected directly into the cancerous area. Skin Cancer iodine protocol. Dr. Simoncini is a leading proponent of sodium bicarbonate usage and believes that infection with fungus is the cause of cancer. by Dr. Tullio Simoncini. The main thing I want to point out here is what Dr. Sircus notes in his interview about his protocol in general. He also is known for claims that cancer can be cured with intravenous sodium bicarbonate. What effect does a pharmacological drug that kills fungal cells have on human cells? treatment protocol of dr. simoncini treatments with sodium bicarbonate Please be advised that for type of treatments requiring only dropping, whashing, drinking and for psoriasis or skin cancer the supervision of a doctor is indicated. Full instructions for humans are here. In fact, they have failed miserably. meet with a broker Please Support Alternative Cancer Research: The Cancer Tutor website is closely affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc (ICRF). This site relates information on an on-going therapy to cure canine adenocarcinoma in an 11 year old German Shepard dog. How does cancer behave? Dr. Simoncini has developed specific sodium bicarbonate solutions therapies for the following: 1. Les - going to the Oasis of Hope Mexico to tackle prostate cancer. The cancer protocol used by a number of people Sircus reports about is as follows: First Week: 1 tsp dissolved in water 3 X per day. Indicating you to dr simoncini sodium bicarbonate induced arrest of service in the only to the trona. Dr. Simoncini knew the extreme sensitivity of fungi to saline and electrolytic solutions, so concluded sodium bicarbonate that is used in children's oral antacids could become a great weapon in his war on cancer. It occurred to Dr. Simoncini that cancer acted just like a fungus and if it could be a fungus, it could be treated. Cancer Cure Protocol International Medical Veritas Association . Tullio Simoncini claims that cancer is caused by a fungus and can be cured with the administration of sodium bicarbonate. Simoncini makes the connection that fungal colonies and cancer colonies are the same … Professional painter knows how. While there are countless testimonials to Dr. Simoncini's protocol available online, here's one of the early accounts, in his own words from an interview. Vernon - using an alkalising diet including sodium bicarbonate to tackle prostate cancer. In this interview, Dr. Tullio Simoncini shares why people die of cancer, passionately talks about the truth and protocols for eliminating it, and explaining what really works – and what doesn’t. Hij stond aan de wieg van een revolutionaire behandeling van kanker. From what I’ve read a dog’s PH range is different than humans. The protocol Dr. Sircus will teach you acts through nutrition, an understanding of solid medical parameters that lead to workable diagnosis and effective treatment that actually does something more than just covering up symptoms, it treats the cause. All protocols for cancer treatments freely given in the website. One of the first patients I treated was an 11-year-old child, a case which immediately indicated that I was on the right track. Look at 11:00 or 1:00 o’clock respect to the lump that is the centre. For other type of cancer the involvement of a doctor is mandatory. While there are countless testimonials to Dr. Simoncini's protocol available online, here's one of the early accounts, in his own words from an interview. The research of Dr Tullio Simoncini (oncologist) in Rome shows that skin cancers epithileomas, basaliomas, and melanomas are caused by Candida fungus. Zijn methode is gebaseerd op het een-voudige gebruik van natriumbicarbonaat (NaHCO3) en sinds 15 jaar brengt hij, over de gehele wereld, met succes zijn theorieën over oorzaak en de behandeling van kanker in de praktijk! 10. Apply to Childhood Cancer. Dr. Simoncini's first patient achieved amazing recovery. For more details about his treatment see this website: Simoncini Protocol (Baking Soda) Use Dr. Simoncini's book for any treatment using this protocol. As you listen to Dr. Simoncini, keep in mind the issues you've raised in your post. Clip 2 Robert Scott on RSbell radio with Dr. Apsley (part 2 - 5MB) Protocol treatment, prevention and dosage. The medical establishment has had 100 years to beat cancer, but they haven't been able to do it. How Magnesium, Baking Soda, Iodine, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Heat (Whew!) BAKING SODA & MOLASSES Bella200 Advanced. This is why we treat problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, the curvature of the penis, enlarged prostate, chronic prostatitis, sexual pain, frequent or painful urination, urine leakage, and hormone imbalance with urgency and focus. . Momenteel is natriumbicarbonaat (in een oplossing van 5% of 8,4 %) de enige stof om tumoren volledig te laten verdwijnen. At Doctors Studio we take sexual function, performance, and satisfaction seriously. Dr. Eliaz explains how cancer treatment using Integrative Medicine and conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, together can have greater success. Cancer & Sodium Bicarbonate. According to this hypothesis based on years of scientific and clinical research, the cause of cancer is infection by a common fungus, Candida albicans. Dr. Simoncini believes cancer is caused by a fungus, namely Candida Albicans. But even Dr. Simoncini recognized the limitations of his own baking soda treatment. It is our belief that cancer can be cured using specific protocols that do not involve surgery or chemotherapy. My protocol for treating people is to give them magnesium and B6 with sodium chlorite intravenously and iodine and sodium bicarbonate orally. Shame on the us like this is an energetic, dr simoncini Tullio Simoncini (born 1951) is a former Italian physician known for alternative medicine advocacy. Warburg and Meyerhof. Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is an oncologist in Rome Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) [1]. Epithileomas, basaliomas, and melanomas cancers have all been successfully treated with an iodine solution of 7%. For other type of cancer the involvement of a doctor is mandatory. During the first week, no more than two TEAspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Being that ... , Dr. Simoncini’s outstanding success in the 90% remission rate and some as long as 20 years should shatter modern medicine’s fixed ideas about cancer. Sodium bicarbonate is the number-one item in any protocol to treat exposure to harsh chemicals coming from the oil disaster. He is also a Doctor of Philosophy. Dr. Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment For Cancer (NaHCO3) Very Important Note This treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. The main thing I want to point out here is what Dr. Sircus notes in his interview about his protocol in general. Therapy with baking soda (according to Dr. Simoncini) Dr. Simoncini, an Italian oncologist, recommended the use of baking soda with no additives or pharmaceutical aluminum soda for cancer treatment. Like the three other alternative cancer therapies, this treatment is used in other chronic illnesses also. Make an injection in these points with 5% sodium bicarbonate 70-100 ml every day for six days. Tullio Simoncini. This is a liquid, sterile bicarbonate of soda. He believes that cancer is a fungus and can be cured by creating a high-pH environment in the body with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). He has been developing techniques aimed at eradicating the Are cancer cells abnormal cells- human tissue? Clip 1 Robert Scott on RSbell radio with Dr. Apsley (part 1 - 9MB) Introduction and general information about the therapy with sodium bicarbonate. Wanneer het op de juiste wij-ze wordt toegediend, kan dit vele soorten tumoren in korte tijd doen afnemen en vaak in minder dan twee maanden leiden tot genezing . An humanitarian, he is opposed to any kind of intellectual conformity, which he sees as often based on suppositions without foundation or, worse, on lies and falsehoods. Ons dossier. Dr. Simoncini has identified the substances uniquely able to penetrate these volumetric infections: for cancer of the internal organs it is sodium bicarbonate; and the best substance to eliminate skin cancer is iodine tincture, particularly when it is spread onto the growth. Sodium Bicarbonate – the treatment. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and there is good reason to believe that the treatment is dangerous. It can be used clinically in sterile, intravenous form. Skin Cancer iodine protocol. Dr. Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment For Cancer (NaHCO3) Very Important Note This treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. This treatment was developed in Italy by an oncologist and uses baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Cancer and Fungus. In case of breast cancer, this is the Simoncini protocol: Think of a half circle around the lump of the breast. December 13, 2008. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be … According to Dr. Simoncini, cancer is a consequence of the weakening and exhaustion of your organs, and eventually your entire body, in the following stages: 1. Impersonate or acquaintance, penetrates the iodine in fact is made by a Dr. Simoncini’s Sodium Bicarbonate Protocol. 5. Heat therapy from sauna or infrared mattress directly correlated with immune response. All Sodium Bicarbonates Protocols Explained for Doctors Dr. Tullio Simoncini is an oncologist from Rome, Italy, and has successfully pioneered sodium bicarbonate therapy as a means to treat cancer. Today, Dr. Simoncini continues to advocate for the effectiveness of baking soda cancer treatment with protocols designed for specific types of cancer.
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